Thursday, December 10, 2009

What's the First Word that Comes to Mind when (Part 2)?

How this works. Copy and paste the list and answer them in consecutive order on what the first word/phrase that comes to mind when you see each word:

1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia

4. Man horseback riding in Texas

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England

What's the First Word that Comes to Mind when (Part 2)?amc theater

1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France---espresso

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii---Mai Tai

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia---Talent

4. Man horseback riding in Texas---Sexy

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City---confused

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France---more confused

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England --- underpayed

What's the First Word that Comes to Mind when (Part 2)?concerts opera theater

1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia

4. Man horseback riding in Texas

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England

1. lovers

2. sex on the beach

3. wanna hear that

4. brokeback

5. jerk

6. lost

7. at least he has a job
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France-----lame same-o-ting

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii-----*yawn*

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia---nice!

4. Man horseback riding in Texas----sexy

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City----hahaha!

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris,France

----good luck----

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England ----unfair
1. romantic cliche

2. honeymoon ;)

3. achievement

4. no car

5. lost

6. travelling

7. desperate
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France

They're lucky

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii

They must be hot

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia

How cool for them

4. Man horseback riding in Texas

Flies and Dust

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City

They seem Happy

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France

They Look Bewildered

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England

Hope they don't get deported
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France -Ooh La La

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii -Nudity

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia -longhair

4. Man horseback riding in Texas -John Wayne

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City -Snob

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France -Dummy

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England -Indian
1. Lucky rich couple

.2. Lucky rich couple

3.A lucky musician

4. Remind me of the good old cowboy's days

5. What do you expect from a new comer?

6. What do you expect from a new comer?

7. Lucky opportunist, I hope he/she never get caught by the immigration authority
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France, eating cheese and drinking wine.

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii, saoking in all those rays

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia to a full house

4. Man horseback riding in Texas getting ready for the rodeo

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City lost

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England making a living
What's the First Word that Comes to Mind when (Part 2)?

How this works. Copy and paste the list and answer them in consecutive order on what the first word/phrase that comes to mind when you see each word:

1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France-I miss Starbucks

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii-sunburn and sandy a%%.

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia-fireworks

4. Man horseback riding in Texas-cowboy hat

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City-good luck

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France-good luck

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England -toppence a bag.

How'd I do? Are they coming in pretty white coats yet?
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France - wine

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii - palm (trees)

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia - conductor

4. Man horseback riding in Texas - cactus

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City - lost

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France - vacation

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England - African
1. Couple sitting in a cafe in Paris, France

2. Couple relaxating on the beach in Hawaii

3. an American playing in a symphony in Sydney, Australia

4. Man horseback riding in Texas

5. french tourist asking for directions in New York City

6. American tourist asking for directions in Paris, France

7. Illegal immigrant working in London, England

1. Love

2.Fun in the sun




6.Good Luck
1- couple having lunch, cheece and wine

2-just married-hawaii

3=very lucy and talented

4-round up the cattle-texas

5-end up in new jersey

6-ahh, another glass of wine, sherrie

7=he's a goner soon-back to MEXICO

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